Sunday, April 6, 2014

Mandala amulet

Sky Mandala amulet

Intending from Completeness

For seers, our ability to intend is our magic.
And it is far different from our usual act of ‘wishing’ than we might first imagine.
In the course of our daily doings, we courteously and even sincerely ‘wish’ friends and loved ones “good health,” “good morning and night,” “a good vacation,” “good luck.”
Yet often we say these words casually, not from our deepest selves, and sometimes even with the hope that our friends won’t ask us for more involvement.
For seers, intending comes from our deepest selves – our silent, knowing, compassionate, dreaming selves – which when hooked to infinity and directed, sends a vibration into the world as complete as the being who sent it and as vast as infinity itself.
Finally, glowing with the light of our own fresh action and solutions, we will intend the same forward. In other words, from our completeness, we will intend completeness to others.

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