Friday, December 19, 2014

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Peaceful meditation music

Meditation music

Beautiful meditation for relax

Blue flaming mandala

Blue flaming mandala

Distemper colors

Blue flaming mandala with frame


Green flower of life

Flower of life

Distemper paints


Spectral colors

Spectral colors

The familiar colors of the rainbow in the spectrum – named using the Latin word for appearance or apparition by Isaac Newton in 1671 – include all those colors that can be produced by visible light of a single wavelength only, the pure spectral or monochromatic colors. The table at right shows approximate frequencies (in terahertz) and wavelengths (in nanometers) for various pure spectral colors. The wavelengths listed are as measured in air or vacuum (see refractive index).
The color table should not be interpreted as a definitive list – the pure spectral colors form a continuous spectrum, and how it is divided into distinct colors linguistically is a matter of culture and historical contingency (although people everywhere have been shown to perceive colors in the same way. A common list identifies six main bands: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. Newton's conception included a seventh color, indigo, between blue and purple. It is possible that what Newton referred to as blue is nearer to what today we call cyan, and that indigo was simply the dark blue of the indigo dye that was being imported at the time.
The intensity of a spectral color, relative to the context in which it is viewed, may alter its perception considerably; for example, a low-intensity orange-yellow is brown, and a low-intensity yellow-green is olive-green.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Mandala necklace

Red Moon Mandala necklace



An amulet (Latin amuletum) can be any object but its most important characteristic is its alleged power to protect its owner from danger or harm. Amulets are different from talismans as a talisman is believed to bring luck or some other benefit, though it can offer protection as well. Amulets are often confused with pendants—charms that hang from necklaces—any given pendant may indeed be an amulet, but so may any other charm which purports to protect its owner from danger.
Potential amulets include gems, especially engraved gems, statues, coins, drawings, pendants, rings, plants and animals; even words in the form of a magical spell or incantation to repel evil or bad luck.
The word "amulet" comes from the Latin amuletum; the earliest extant use of the term is in Pliny's Natural History, meaning "an object that protects a person from trouble".

Sunday, April 6, 2014



Dreaming is a gateway to infinity…the sophisticated art of displacing perception from its habitual position in order to enhance and enlarge the scope of what can be perceived.
- Don Juan Matus

Don Juan Matus was the Yaqui Indian, and leader of a lineage of seers from ancient Mexico, who taught Carlos Castaneda, Florinda Donner-Grau, Taisha Abelar and Carol Tiggs his lineage’s arts – dreaming was among them.
Dreaming – the act of shifting perception awake or in sleep – is honed and perfected by living impeccably with self-responsibility, ethical treatment of self and others, the keeping of our commitments, and the following of our life’s purpose.
According to the seers of our line, dreaming is not enhanced by simple technique or scientific measurement, but rather by the accrual of a particular type of energy – dreaming attention energy – the energy that accompanies our energetic twin or double, called in our tradition, our energy body.
The gathering of this special type of energy is a daily affair. Since most of our attention resides in our waking state, the honing of this particular type of energy body attention in daily life nearly guarantees a transfer of it to our dreaming sleep.
For example, persons complaining of unwanted sensations or visitations in their nightly dream need look no further than similar situations in their waking state. If you are oppressed in your sleeping dream, for sure you feel oppressed in your daily life. And the redirection of your attention in your waking state from overwhelmed to conscious action with your energy body, gives you not only the best opportunity to create and live your best life, but also the dreaming attention, strength and courage to amend your dreaming sleep.
Florinda Donner-Grau best illustrates the reaching of her energy body while waking as she describes her letting go of her usual habits of judgment and criticism to let infinity help her write her college entrance paper. She called this phenomenon, ‘dreaming awake,’ and says:
I sat at the table and spread out the pages all around me. Right under my watchful eyes the entire structure of my paper emerged, superimposing itself on my original draft like a double exposure on a frame of film.
And Carlos Castaneda similarly describes how redeploying his attention away from himself, his self-importance in daily life, gave him the energy to make the journey from normal sleeping dream awareness, sueno, to heightened sleeping dream awareness, ensueno.
So the tools to dream – awake and in sleep – lie right in our very hands, in normal awareness, on this side of the veil that often separates us from heightened awareness.

Mandala amulet

Sky Mandala amulet

Intending from Completeness

For seers, our ability to intend is our magic.
And it is far different from our usual act of ‘wishing’ than we might first imagine.
In the course of our daily doings, we courteously and even sincerely ‘wish’ friends and loved ones “good health,” “good morning and night,” “a good vacation,” “good luck.”
Yet often we say these words casually, not from our deepest selves, and sometimes even with the hope that our friends won’t ask us for more involvement.
For seers, intending comes from our deepest selves – our silent, knowing, compassionate, dreaming selves – which when hooked to infinity and directed, sends a vibration into the world as complete as the being who sent it and as vast as infinity itself.
Finally, glowing with the light of our own fresh action and solutions, we will intend the same forward. In other words, from our completeness, we will intend completeness to others.

Vintage Mandala

Green wheel Mandala vintage

Original Mandala painting on antique paper.

Mandala necklace

Persian flower Mandala necklace

Mandala necklace with print of original Mandala painting.
This necklace is amulet too.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Egyptian amulets

Ancient amulets

All cultures have some form of good luck charm, like the rabbit’s foot or four-leaf clover. In Ancient Egypt, charms were known as amulets and were usually in the form of plants, animals, or sacred objects. They were thought to provide protection against evil or danger, as well as bringing good luck. These ornaments or jewelry were even placed with the deceased to ensure they had a safe afterlife.

Meditation music


Mandala amulet

Flaming Mandala amulet

I was told beforehand that there was no possible way of knowing what my individual threshold might be, and that the only way of finding this out was through direct experience. This is exactly what happened to me.
Following don Juan’s suggestions, I had persisted in forcing myself to remain silent, and one day, while walking at UCLA, I reached my mysterious threshold. I knew I had reached it because in one instant, I experienced something don Juan had described at length to me. He had called it ‘stopping the world.’ In the blink of an eye, the world ceased to be what it was, and for the first time in my life, I became conscious that I was seeing energy as it flowed in the universe.
I had to sit down on some brick steps. I knew that I was sitting on some brick steps, but I knew it only intellectually, through memory. Experientially, I was resting on energy.  I myself was energy, and so was everything around me. I had canceled out my interpretation system.
After seeing energy directly, I became conscious that although I was seeing for the first time in my life, I had been seeing energy as it flows in the universe all my life, but I had not been conscious of it. To see energy as it flows in the universe was not the novelty.
                                                                                                - Carlos Castaneda

Mandala necklace

Crystal Mandala necklace