Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Mandala painting

Amethist mandala

Distemper paints on paper

Meditation music

Root chakra meditation

Golden mandala on canvas

Original Golden mandala on canvas

Mandala painting

Red mandala

Distemper paints on paper


Tibetan mandala

Mandala of an Esoteric Form of Vajrapani

Mandala of an Esoteric Form of Vajrapani

Vajrapani, "he who holds the thunderbolt sceptre," appears at the center of this mandala in one of his many esoteric forms.1 The three-faced, four-armed god holds his characteristic thunderbolt sceptre and the bell, while his other hands grasp the body o f a serpent, held firm between his teeth and trampled beneath his feet. His red hair is gathered like a helmet of molded flames, further adorned with a serpent. A delicate serpent winds about his neck.
The mandala includes in its first circle gods who resemble the central figure, although they differ in color: white (E), yellow (S), red (W) and green (N). In the next circle, at the intermediate points of the compass, are offering goddesses, perhaps the standard four: Puspa (flowers; NE), Dhupa (incense; SE), Dipa (light, SW), and Gandha (perfume, NW). There are four guardians of the temple gates.
Outside the mandala proper are esoteric deities in yab-yum ("father-mother"), the posture of sexual embrace; Tibetan teachers (once identified by inscription, now abraded); and the seven jewels of the cakravartin ("universal monarch"): horse, wish-fulfill ing gem (here, probably the triratna or "three jewels of Buddhism" representing the Buddha, the Buddhist doctrine and the monastic community), the elephant, the wheel of the Buddhist law, a general (figure with shield), queen, and a minister who holds tre asure in his hands (here, the god of wealth, Jambhala).2 In the top register is a lineage of mortal and celestial teachers associated with Vajrapani's teachings. The bottom register includes a monk seated before offerings, deities, and protectors of the faith.

Necklace with mandala

Bronze medallion with my original Persian mandala.