Saturday, July 28, 2012

Mandala paintings, gallery thirteen

Ornament Mandala
Acrylic on paper

Flower of life Mandala
 Acrylic on paper

Mystical Mandala
Acrylic on paper

Mandala paintings, gallery twelve

Sun Mandala
Acrylic painting, 21 x 21 cm

Third Chakra Mandala
Acrylic painting, 29 x 29 cm

Mandala paintings, gallery eleven

Tribal Mandala
Acrylic painting, 24,5 x 24,5 cm

Violet wheel Mandala
Acrylic painting, 29 x 29 cm

Red Mandala
Acrylic painting

Mandala paintings, gallery ten

Sweety Mandala
Sweety Mandala is an acrylic painting.

Bright Star Mandala
This Mandala is an acrylic painting. Star is symbol of hope, intuition and belief. 
24.5 x 24.5 cm

Violet orange Mandala
Acrylic painting on paper. Violet relates to spiritual awareness and orange relates to self respect.

Blue flower Mandala
This Mandala is an acrylic painting. Blue is the color of Spirit.

Mandala paintings, gallery nine

Rainbow Mandala
 It is an acrylic painting. Rainbow is a symbol of heavenly glory and of celestial wonder. It serve as a bridge between earth and paradise.
30 x 30 cm

Night Mandala 
Acrylic on paper. Night Mandala is connected with dreams, intuition and imagination.
21 x 21 cm

Mandala paintings, gallery eight

Lavander Mandala
This Mandala is an acrylic painting. Inspired with lavanda flower.
21 x 21 cm

Golden wheel Mandala
Acrylic on paper. 
29 x 29 cm

Mandala paintings, gallery seven

Blue Mandala
Blue Mandala is an acrylic painting.

 Orange flower Mandala
Orange governs the Sacral Chakra situated in the lower abdomen. Acrylic on paper. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mandala paintings, gallery six

 Green flower Mandala
Green color relates to love. Acrylic on paper.

Pink flower Mandala
Acrylic on paper. 
21 x 21 cm

Violet water Zendala
Inspired with amethyst crystal and water. This Zendala is an acrylic painting.
29 x 29 cm

 Gaudy flower Mandala 
Acrylic on paper. Flower is parable for inner harmony. 

Mandala paintings, gallery five

Second Chakra Mandala
This Mandala expresses Second Chakra. It is related  to element water and emotions. Acrylic on paper.
29 x 29 cm

Garden of silence Mandala
Acrylic on paper.

First Chakra Mandala
Expresses First Chakra or Muladhara. This Chakra forms our foundation. Acrylic painting. 
29 x 29 cm

Mystical flower Mandala 
Acrylic on paper.

Mandala paintings, gallery four

Abstract lotus Mandala
Acrylic painting, 29 x 29cm

Amethyst Mandala
Acrylic painting

Aurora Borealis Mandala
Acrylic painting, 29 x 29 cm

Blue dream Mandala
Acrylic painting

Mandala paintings, gallery three

Dragonfly dream Mandala
Acrylic painting, 24,5 x 24,5 cm

Ethno Mandala
Acrylic painting, 29 x 29 cm

Green dream Mandala
Acrylic painting

Mandala paintings, gallery two

Green moon Mandala
Acrylic painting, 29 x 29 cm

Lace Mandala
Acrylic painting, 21 x 21 cm

Night lily Mandala
Acrylic painting, 29 x 29 cm

Pink wheel Mandala
Acrylic painting, 29 x 29 cm

Mandala paintings, gallery one

Purple flower Mandala
Acrylic painting, 29 x 29 cm

Sun flower Mandala
Acrylic painting, 24,4 x 24,5 cm

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ornament Mandala

Ornament Mandala

Acrylic on paper

Mandalas in Nature

Mandalas in Nature

Mandala designs in nature can be found in something as simple as a flower. The flower has a center and surrounding that center are beautiful petals. The inside structure of a snail's shell is a spiral that twists into the center. Even the rings found inside tree trunks can be looked upon as a mandala, as each ring graduates toward the center. 

Our solar system can be considered a mandala form as each planet is part of and revolves around a center planet. For example the Milky Way galaxy our solar system holds within it our Earth.  Even microscopic cells each have a center or nucleus. The wholeness created in anything with a center that then radiates outward and inward is the basis of the mandala structure. 

Mandala - The Sacred Circle

Mandala - The Sacred Circle

When entering the realm of inner vision,
We must create a threefold sacred circle,
Composed of purity, of strength and knowledge
Surrounding us like a protective wall.
The purity of heart creates the lotus-circle;
The admantine scepters form the second ring:
The power-circle of determined will and higher aims;
The third one is the ring of wisdom-flames.
The threefold magic circle thus unfolded,
Grows with the depth of heart´s vibration,
Grows with the strength of inner penetration,
Grows with the wisdom that knows life and death.
But only when this world becomes a magic circle,
In which each point can be a living center:
Then we surmount the cause of all illusion,
The riddles of rebirth, of death and dissolution.
Then nothing remains rigid, self-contained;
No point coagulates into a finite "I",
Each being in the others is enshrined,
And in the smallest lives infinity.
Then we shall see released to higher norm
This world as essence of the highest mind,
Which, formless though, creates and moves all form,
Inspires and transmutes it, ever unconfined.

Lama Anagarika Govinda

Tibetan Mandala

Ethno Mandala

Ethno Mandala

Ethno Mandala is an original acrylic painting with crystals. Size is 29 x 29 cm. It is inspired with blue and purple flowers.

Purple color relates to self knowledge/spiritual awareness. It is the union with your higher self, with spirituality, and your higher consciousness. The purple energy connects us to our spiritual self bringing guidance, wisdom and inner strength and purifies our thoughts and feelings giving us inspiration in all undertakings. Enhances artistic talent and creativity.

Third Chakra - Manipura Chakra

Manipura Chakra

   Earth, water, fire. With our bodies grounded and our emotions flowing, we now move on to power, energy and will. This is our third chakra, a yellow lotus of ten petals, located at the solar plexus—the place where we get those butterfly feelings when we feel scared or powerless. Its element is fire—fire—that radiates and transforms matter into energy, giving light and warmth. This chakra represents our "get up and go," our action, our will, our vitality, and our sense of personal power. Its name, Manipura, means "lustrous gem." We can think of it as a glowing yellow Sun, radiating through the center of our body. On the physical plane, the third chakra rules metabolism, the process whereby we turn food (matter) into energy and action. Digestion troubles, stomach troubles, hypoglycemia, diabetes, ulcers, or addictions to stimulants (such as caffeine) are all related to malfunctioning of the third chakra. Weight problems may also be an indication that the body is not properly turning its matter into energy. We can also assess the health of this chakra by examining our body structure at this level: tight, hard stomachs, sunken diaphragms, or large potbellies are all indications of third chakra excess or deficiency. Examining your relationship to the properties of fire can give further clues to the nature of your third chakra. Are you frequently cold, physically or emotionally? Do you get overheated, hot-tempered? Is your style quick and energetic, or slow and lethargic? When the third chakra is closed down, one may feel tired, afraid, shaky, quiet, or withdrawn. There is a fear of taking risks, confronting people or issues, taking charge, and with all this, a lack of energy. There may be too much seriousness and not enough laughter, ease, or fun, all of which help the third chakra open and relax. Pleasure, from the chakra below, helps make the fire warm and easy; without it, our fires are cold and hard. If the chakra is too open, then we have a kind of bully archetype—someone who always needs to be in control, to dominate, to seek power, prestige, ambition. As the lower chakras in general are more ego-oriented, third chakra excess can make a person narcissistic or self-centered. An appropriate concept for a healthy balance in this chakra is the archetype of the warrior—standing strong, staying in touch with feelings, confronting only when appropriate and quietly maintaining a sense of power. A healthy third chakra can take on a task and complete it, take on a risk and not be bound by perfectionism, or act in the role of leadership without domination or self-aggrandizement. In the second chakra we encountered desire. Desire is the fuel for the will, the passion within our body giving strength to decisions made by the mind. Fire is the spark of life that ignites will to action. Fire is the spark that lies between the poles, and the third chakra creates power by combining the polarity introduced by the second chakra, just as electricity is made by the combination of polarities. Having made yet another step toward consciousness, we now temper our desires and instincts with knowledge, making decisions that are then put into action, again combining the poles of mind and body. Power, then, is seen as an act of combination, of joining together parts to make a greater whole. When we embrace and combine all the parts within us—our bodies, our emotions, our visions, our knowledge—then we emerge whole and powerful. A good rule of thumb for stimulating the third chakra is to get your energy moving. Jogging, yelling, or pounding a pillow can help you loosen up.

Manipura Chakra Mandala

Meaning of Red color

Muladhara Chakra Mandala

Red symbolizes:

action, confidence, courage, vitality
Red Energy: 

Red is the color of physical energy, passion, and desire. 
It symbolizes action, confidence and courage.
Determination to go after your dreams and the power to achieve goals.
Red demands attention!
Boosts mental and physical energy.
Red is associated with passionate love, sex, great energy, impulse, adventure.
Bold and dynamic, confident and in control.
Willing to take risks.
Ambition and drive with a need for personal freedom.
The color red brings passion and strength to your relationships, your life and your work.
Red is powerfully linked to our most primitive physical, financial, and emotional needs of survival and self-preservation.

Meaning of Red Key Words:  

excitement, energy, heat, love, determination, strength, power, confidence, action, passion, sex, impulse, desire, daring, fire, vigorous, enthusiasm, energetic, honest, devotion, protection, responsible, assertive, adventure, spontaneous, health, extroverted, good fortune, assertiveness and aggression, strong-willed, all things intense and passionate.

Red Words:

These words are synonymous with red or represent various shades of the color red: scarlet, crimson, vermillion, carmine, maroon, burgundy, ruby, rose, madder, rouge, brick, blood red, blush, fire engine red, cinnabar, russet, rust, Venetian red, flame, Indian red, tomato.

Red Gemstones: 

Agate, Bloodstone, Garnet, Hematite, Red Coral, Red Jasper

Red in Feng Shui:

Yang, Fire Element, Red is the color of life, luck, prosperity, power, strength, respect, recognition, energy, activity, glory, and vitality. Red is most active of all colors and is used many ways in Feng Shui.

Chakra associated with Red:

Base or Root Chakra: connects us to our physical self.